man on yoga may pain relieving techniques at home

Pain Relieving Techniques You Can Do At Home

Pain Relieving Techniques You Can Do At Home

Pain Relieving Techniques You Can Do At Home

Is pain keeping you from enjoying your life? Are you tired of waking up stiff or sore? Do you yearn for ways to relieve your pain when you’re at home? If you answered yes, carry on, because you are not alone. Did you know that chronic pain affects about 50.0 million people in the U.S. alone? Pain can strike anyone at any time for any reason — whether it’s from a medical condition, an injury, or an accident. When pain hits, you want relief. 

So, if your pain has overstayed its welcome, and you’re ready for joint custody, at a minimum, of your body, it’s time to tame the pain. The team at North Lakes Pain has put together a list of options that you can try at home to do just that — tame your pain. 

These techniques may help if you have temporary pain from a sprain or other physical injury, or if you suffer from chronic pain, which is defined as pain lasting longer than three months and may not respond well to OTC pain relievers.

Pain Relieving Techniques to do at Home

If pain is dragging you down, consider:

1.Cold and Hot Compress

Tried-and-true methods are the cornerstone of pain relief for specific types of injuries. 

2. Exercise

Physical activity is essential for disrupting pain and limited mobility associated with chronic conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Gentle aerobics like walking, swimming, or cycling may help. In a review of non-pharmacologic treatments for chronic pain, researchers determined that exercise is in fact moderately effective.

3. Fish Oil

Fish oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and inflammation plays a large role in pain. Patients with neck or back pain were given 1200 milligrams of fish oil supplements daily for 75 days, along with eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid. Once complete, the study found that over half of the 125 patients disclosed that they were able to quit their prescription painkillers.

4. Turmeric and Curcumin

Studies have shown that this root has definite anti-inflammatory properties, according to a study.

A combination of turmeric, along with two other substances, was given to patients with osteoarthritis and found that they had noticeable pain relief after taking two 650-milligram capsules two or three times a day.  

5. Resveratrol

Red wine, grapes and berries are known to have resveratrol, which studies show may be beneficial for your brain, cancer prevention and living longer.

6. Physical and Occupational Therapy 

These two specialties can be among your best allies in the battle for shared custody of your body. Physical therapy will guide you through a host of exercises designed to improve your mobility and strength. Occupational therapy teaches you how to perform an array of day-to-day activities without aggravating your pain.

7. Mind-Body Techniques

These techniques can help in putting the “fight or flight” response to rest, allowing you to be in control. Consider trying some meditation, mindfulness, or breathing exercises. Researchers sent 109 chronic pain patients to a mindfulness meditation program and found that they reported greater pain relief, along with reduced anxiety and depression and better mental clarity.

8. Yoga and Tai Chi

These two exercises combine gentle movements, breath control, and meditation to strengthen and stretch your muscles. Many studies have shown that they can help people manage pain caused by a host of conditions, from headaches to arthritis to lingering injuries.

9. Biofeedback

Biofeedback involves lessons in relaxation and breathing exercises utilizing a biofeedback machine in an effort to give you a sense of control over how your body responds to pain.

10. Music therapy

Studies show that music is able to relieve pain, with classical music being at the top of the list. But, if classical is not your thing, mix it a little, enjoying any genre of should help.

11. Therapeutic massage

Massages ease pain by releasing tension out of your muscles and joints. Massage therapy may also relieve stress and anxiety.


If your pain gets worse, changes, or is not the result of a recent injury that you can recall, our team of specialists can help to distinguish what the underlying cause is and then go on to put together a treatment plan catered to you and your specific needs. 

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