older couple living well with chronic pain

Getting Your Life Back From Chronic Pain

Getting Your Life Back From Chronic Pain

Getting Your Life Back From Chronic Pain

Millions of adults suffer from chronic back pain, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live a full life. Rare diseases such as spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease are untreatable, and we understand dealing with that type of endless back pain can be both mentally and physically exhausting.  That’s why we want to help you get your life back. Chronic back pain shouldn’t diminish your quality of life. There are a variety of activities that are fun, engaging, and can help with your pain management. 

Living Your Life with Chronic Pain

Biking Outside

Nothing feels better than getting a deep inhale of fresh air. Listening to the trees rustle around you. The calmness of the outside world. Not only can daily outdoor bike rides help your mental exhaustion, but it’s also a wonderful way to enhance muscle strength. A strong core reduces strain in your spine, resulting in flare-ups and increased back pain. Biking is an all-body exercise that doesn’t require you to be an experienced athlete. You can make it a family affair, ride solo, or find friends in a cycling community to ensure you keep up with it. 


Another all-body inclusive exercise that can be done all year round. Whether you’re swimming indoors or outside, swimming increases core and back muscle strength without overworking your body. Water aerobics and swimming provide gentle resistance in the same way weights do without the possibility of injury. You are in complete control in regards to building your swimming stamina. Remember, you don’t want to strain yourself. Work slowly if necessary and listen to your body. 


Yoga can be intense but there are benefits to low-impact yoga. There are stretching exercises that help alleviate back pain. There are tons of free videos on YouTube for beginners if you want to practice in your own home. Or, check out your local yoga studio and see what classes they offer. Some studios offer classes that target pain management for adults. With yoga, you want to be careful of certain poses that can irritate your spine. Camel pose, full wheel, shoulder stand, and the seated forward fold should be avoided. 

Stretches And Exercise To Avoid

We want to enhance your lifestyle not hinder it! There are some stretches and exercises to avoid. They can irritate your back, or in the worst-case scenario, injure your spine further.

  • Bending to touch your toes
  • Jogging
  • Sit-ups
  • High-impact aerobics
  • Off-road biking

All of these activities are jarring for the body due to the specific movements involved. If you want to engage in any of these, speak to your doctor before doing so. They may have alternatives or distinct instructions to perform these activities safely. 

Want more information on spinal care? Contact us for any questions, concerns, or anything else! We’re here to help in any way possible. Start enjoying your life again and learn to manage your chronic back pain today.

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