7 Conditions that Cause Chronic Hip Pain

7 Conditions that Cause Chronic Hip Pain

7 Conditions that Cause Chronic Hip Pain

Chronic hip pain is a condition that impairs daily activities while affecting the patient’s quality of life. It results in mild or severe physical discomfort around the hip area. The prevalence of hip pain increases with age, occurring most commonly due to an injury or a pre-existing condition like arthritis. 

Symptoms in adults include soreness, tenderness, swelling, and redness.

Conditions that Cause Chronic Hip Pain

Below are some of the conditions that can cause pain:

1. Arthritis

Arthritis is a common cause of chronic long-term hip pain in adults. This condition results in stiff and tender joints, pain, and difficulty walking. Arthritis causes inflammation of the hip joint and the breakdown of the cartilage that shields the hip bones. Various types of arthritis that cause hip pain include;

  • Infectious arthritis: caused by a joint infection that destroys the cartilage.
  • Osteoarthritis: occurs due to age-related wearing down of the joints’ cartilage. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: This is an autoimmune disorder in which your body attacks the protective lining around the joint, causing fluid build-up. This results in stiffness, swelling, and pain in the hip. Rheumatoid arthritis destroys joint cartilage and bone, causing chronic hip pain.

2. Hip Fracture

Hip fractures are cracks and breaks in the femur – a thigh bone close to the hip joint. An injury or a fall to the side of the hip may cause a hip fracture. Sometimes, hip fractures occur due to health conditions like cancer that weakens the bones. 

Older adults and those with osteoporosis are more likely to get hip fractures, resulting in chronic hip pain. Hip fractures result in sudden and severe hip pain, often requiring immediate medical attention. In most cases, patients require surgery to correct hip fractures to find relief.

3. Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis occurs due to the inflammation of the bursa (a liquid-filled sack close to the hip joint). Joint overuse, hip injury, and posture problems are the common causes of trochanteric bursitis. These repetitive activities irritate or overwork the hip joint causing inflammation of the bursa.

Although people of all ages can suffer from trochanteric bursitis, the condition is prevalent in middle-aged and older people.

4. Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis)

Osteonecrosis occurs due to a limited blood supply to the hip bone, killing the bone tissue. The condition mainly affects the hips, causing chronic hip pain

Causes of avascular necrosis include hip dislocation or fracture, heavy use of steroid medication, and cancer treatments.

5. Labral Tears

The labrum is the cartilage ring that keeps the thighbone ball in place. Labral tears are common in athletes and ballerinas and cause chronic hip limiting movement. 

When you have labral tears, you feel like your hip is locking, clicking, or catching. Usually, pain from labral tears doesn’t go away. Minimally invasive surgery can correct labral tears to alleviate chronic hip pain.

6. Tendinitis

Inflammation or irritation of the tendon is common in older adults. Those suffering from tendinitis experience pain, especially when moving the affected hip, mild swelling, and tenderness.

Some causes of tendinitis include repetitive motions, awkward positions, forceful exertions, and engaging in sports activities. 

7. Bone Cancer

Bone cancers occur due to the abnormal growth of bone cells in your body. Chronic hip pain is one of the major symptoms of bone cancer in the hip. Some patients experience a mass or swelling in the hip.

Radiation exposure and hereditary factors have been linked to bone cancer that causes chronic hip pain.

Get Chronic Hip Pain Relief

Chronic hip pain is a condition mainly affecting older adults. This condition may hinder your daily activities and decrease your quality of life. Some conditions behind chronic hip pain include hip fracture, arthritis, trochanteric bursitis, and avascular necrosis. If you experience any signs of chronic hip pain, seek immediate medical assistance. You can book an appointment with us by filling out this form.

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